Blood Bank Dominican Republic
As a Project of FRANZ SCHEICHL - Seguros Kling & Co we created in January 2010 the first “living” Blood bank at the North coast. We are proud and happy to bring Sosua’s Blood Logistic a step forward. It is now necessary that the blood donors find their place as responsible citizen of their community!
To donate Blood not only a helps others, it also increases your own health and power of life. The activity of the liver and kidneys will be increased and the metabolic system stimulated. The most important, new blood will be produced. That way donating blood is like a cleaning for the arteries and veins. Those who donate blood frequently reduce the risk of a cardiac attack and strengthen the immune system. Nevertheless, the donator is always informed about his blood results, so you can detect illnesses earlier.
To donate Blood we first will make an analysis against Hepatitis, HIV and abnormal Blood values. If the results are good, you can donate up to 0,5 Liter every three to six month. The common opinion that woman are not permitted to donate, is in our case, not relevant. We orientate at international standards. We recommend drinking a lot of fluid after the donation, and having a good meal. Try not to drive a car and have a phase of resting for a period of 1 - 2 days depending of your constitution.
PARTICIPATION in our program: Come for a blood test and specification of blood type in our Office of Seguros Kling & Co. After some days you can be included in the donators list. You also get then your results and the donation pass in our Office. Now the first donation can be made.
The DONATION: In case blood is needed you will be contacted by or our Office or the Person who is in need. Now it is up to you if you are able to donate in the next 24 hours. It would be an advantage to donate at evening, or a time when you do not have huge activities ahead. In case of emergencies the Clinic take blood throughout the night. Following the schedule of the donation:
- If you get the call confirm that you will donate and when.
- In the Clinic indentify yourself as donator (ask for “Mary Joe” or “Jose de Laboratorio”).
- Give your Blood-Pass to the designated Person.
- After a check of your HCR (Hemocrit – not lower then 38) and HGL (Hemoglobin - not lower then 13,5) the donation will proceed. Wait until they give back your Blood-Pass (Ask for it if necessary).
- After the donation drink a lot of liquid and have a good meal (Beef).
We are happy to bring to our region a step forward for our all safety. Now everybody is asked to participate! With you company we all live saver. Take responsibility for your community today, tomorrow you may need it.