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Social Security Dominican Republic

The Social Security is regulated and based on the Law 87-01 (German System of Bismark). All Busineses are obligated to register their employees at the TSS. We as Promoter of Health ar providing the following services for your business and your employees:

     - Inclusion into the Health provider of your choice (Humano, Monumental, Universal recommended).
     - Inclusion of children and live partners without extra costs.
     - Change of the Health provider (recommended if SENASA, SALUD SEGURA).
     - Inclusion of father and mother for 914,- RD$ per month.

Information about DIDA here: Information DIDA

1.) 1.)What includes the Social Security?

Pension Fond (AFP) 9.97 %
Health Insurance (ARS) 10.03 %
Labor Insurance (ARL) 1.20 %
TOTAL : 21.20 %
Employee 5.91 %
Employer 15.29 %

www.tss.gov.do - www.dida.gob.do

1.) Plan Basico de Salud

Emergency No limit 100%
Room per Day (90% up to 1.800,-RD$) No limit 100% 1.200,- $RD
General Hospitalization Basic Specialty per Case No limit 10% till 11.270,- $RD *
Diagnostic No limit 20% *
Surgery No limit 10% till 11.270,- $RD *
Attention Childbirth normal No limit 100%
Attention Childbirth by Cesarean No limit 20% *
Hemotherapy No limit 20% *
Catastrophic Events 1.000.000,- $RD 20% till 11.270,- $RD *
Medical Consultation No limit Copago
Prevention No limit 100%
Rehabilitation No limit 20% *
Medicine Plan per Year 8.000,- $RD 30% *
Dental Plan
Consultations till treatments No limit 20% *

* Co-payment by the insured Member till 11.270,- RD$, after that 100% cover