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What do I have to do for claiming my damage in an Car Accident?

After the Police Report is made you have to report with the owner of the other vehicle the accident to his insurance company. He has to fill out and sign the Form of “advice of accidents” (Aviso de Accidente). After that the Insurance Company requests the following documents:

- Copy of the Cedula and Driver license (Note: check question No 1 concerning license!)
- Copy of Matricula (Car title NOTE: By payment from the insurance the cheque will be written in the name of the person registered in the Matricula!)
- "Carta de Cobertura" by Insurance company (certification of coverage) from your Intermediate.
- Estimate of the damage (NOTE: Only by mechanics with an RNC Number, the best would be to ask for a Mechanic which is preferred by the insurance company!)
- Photos (NOTE: following Photos must be included – total view, number plate, chassis and damage of the vehicle!)
- Bill of the medical attention has to be confirmed by an official juristic medic!

Take always a telephone number and the name of a contact person in the insurance company. After 3 days to 1 week a registration number will be established (No de Reclamacion). We recommend calling every week for information of your reclamation. Depending on the insurance company the damage control takes 3 weeks to 3 month, in case of property damage only. In case of injured persons all depends on the local court (till 2 Years).


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